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Group Name People in Charge Contact Tel Fax E-mail Address Website
Ukrainian Wushu/Kungfu and Qigong Federation Matulevskyi Mykola +38-044-512-86-62 +38-044-510-95-90 wushu-Ukraine@mbox.com.ua Str.Kibalchicha 11-B, 02183, Kyiv,Ukraine
Venezuela National School of Wushu ( E.N.WU.) / Weinerela Guo Jia Wushu Xuexiao Rotner Alex Leal Rosal 0214-8720103 0214-8713181 enwu_vzla@hotmail.com URB.MORRO I, EDF.NARANJA,TORRE B,APT. 3B, SAN DIEGO, EDO.CARABOBO, VENEZUELA
Wudang Taichi Federation of Georgia Yuri Lomidze +995325991970377 Yuri.lomidze@gmail.com 3, 8a, Al.Kazbegi Ave.,Tbilisi,Georgia.
William C.C.Tai Chi Chuan, INC. WILLIAM C.C.CHEN 212-4759111; 212-6752816 WmCCChen@aol.com 1 East 28th Street - 7th fl. (Buzzer #11) New York, NY 10016 USA WILLIAMCC.CHEN.COM
World Cardro Tai-chi Association Chi-Hsiu D. Weng,ph.D. 408-836-3459 408-253-2619 drcweng@aol.com P O Box 1221 Cupertino Ca 95015 USA www.tai-chimonkey.com
Wushao, Chinese Martial Arts Association Thierry Vicente +33-618780639 thierryvicente@yahoo.fr 4, rue de Bretagne-78690 Les Essarts le Roi- France
Yi Quan Dao Association Alberto Pingitore +39-0564-494767 sanfeng@ymail.com Alberto Pingitore Via Antimonio 9-58100 Grosseto Italy
Yang Style Tai Chi Union of Turkey Kubilay Akman +90-216-414-6986 taichi@europe.com Rustiye Sok, Rustiye Cikmazi Safak Apt. NO:8-10 D:2 Kiziltoprak/KadiKoy 34724 Istanbul Turkey
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World Tai Chi Chuan Federation Providing briefs, activities and events on traditional and new Tai Chi Chuan including 13 Forms,24 Forms, 37 Forms, 42 Forms, 64 Forms, Yang, Chen, Sun, Wu, Yangjia Michuan and others. Also, the details of branches and Members.
Tel : 8862-2778-3887  Fax : 8862-2778-3890   E-Mail : ct.taichi@msa.hinet.net